I spend a lot of time and energy training the Yorkie NOT to jump on or off boats by himself. At the beginning of the season, we had it down pat. And then I got a bit lax, allowing him to jump on and off a tugboat or my boat now and then. Dogs don't understand the concept of 'sometimes it's okay'. They subscribe more to the school of 'give me an inch and I'll take a mile'. And so now, much to the Yorkie's confusion, our original rules have been reinstated. The danger doesn't come from jumping; the danger comes from missing, especially if he's not supervised. Or if an engine is running. But during our morning pee today, we came across a big red Canadian Coast Guard boat moored up right in the middle of the marina. Ira trotted over to the boat, sniffed a crew member's leg and hopped aboard. The Yorkie's casual style indicated he was very comfortable aboard Coast Guard vessels. I expected the dog to start regaling the crew with stories about all his years in the Navy or some such. Ira was duly reprimanded for taking liberties with Crown Assets, but I had to credit his taste. Maybe I can send him on a tour of duty protecting Canada's Arctic sovereignty.