Mobility has its challenges with two dogs and a bike. At first I tried to affix two baskets to the bike to shuttle the pack around: a small basket on the front for our experienced traveller Ira and a sturdier milk crate on the back of the bike for our more svelte sidekick Sadie. I was quite pleased with the results, but Sadie was not. I loaded the dogs into their respective baskets for a trial run. Sadie jumped out of the milk crate on the first run, landing on grass. We were not so lucky on the second run. You see, Sadie has quite a fear of sticks, be they brooms, branches or hockey sticks. The mind boggles at her unknown past, but it doesn't bear thinking about. Everything seemed to be going well on the second run, just a little more practice... I could not have predicted the neighbour kid appearing out of nowhere, chasing us wildly down the driveway while brandishing two tall Tiki stick lamps. Sadie catapulted out of the milk crate this time and landed hard on the cement driveway. The boyfriend said, "THAT'S IT! I cannot watch this any longer". Off he went to Canadian Tire to purchase a bike trailer. And I had to agree that the world is unpredictable and full of sticks. One never knows when and where they might appear, so the bike trailer is a considerably safer and contained mode of dog transport.